
The myMAP subjects below link to VCE subjects related to the learning domain of Health and Physical Education. Students choose the options that are best for them. There are no prerequisites for entry into VCE, but students are strongly encouraged to select subjects that align with those that they wish to take in VCE. For example, a student may select any combination of the three options that are on the ‘road’ to Health and human development (Exploring personal health, Australia’s health and Global health issues). The students can select to study these in any order but they are encouraged to select subjects in order of difficulty across the myMAP years (from sandstone, white, yellow, light blue to dark blue).

Physical Education
High Performance  Basketball (Mens)
High Performance Netball
High Performance Australian rules (MENS)
High Performance Australian rules (MENS)
High Performance Basketball (Mens)
High Performance Netball
High Performance  Football (Soccer)
High Performance Cricket (men)
High Performance basketball (Women)
High Performance Australian Rules (Women)
Science of Sport
Sport Psychology
Training for Performance
Physiology of Movement
Lifestyle Fitness
Striking Sports
Health and Human Development
Global Health Issues
Human Development
Australia'S Health
Exploring Personal Health
Happy Healthy Humans
Outdoor and Environmental Studies
Outdoor Education
Outdoor Education
Duke of Edinburgh
Duke of Edinburgh
Duke of Edinburgh Bronze
±¬×ߺÚÁÏ Shield
Learning at ±¬×ߺÚÁÏ
Learning Domain Guide
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