The myMAP subjects below link to VCE subjects related to the learning domain of Health and Physical Education. Students choose the options that are best for them. There are no prerequisites for entry into VCE, but students are strongly encouraged to select subjects that align with those that they wish to take in VCE. For example, a student may select any combination of the three options that are on the ‘road’ to Health and human development (Exploring personal health, Australia’s health and Global health issues). The students can select to study these in any order but they are encouraged to select subjects in order of difficulty across the myMAP years (from sandstone, white, yellow, light blue to dark blue).
Physical Education
Physical Education
Students in VCE Physical Education will explore coordination between musculoskeletal and cardiorespiratory systems in movement, analysing structures and functions and responses during activity. They will also investigate related conditions and injuries, consider ethical implications, and enhance understanding of physical activity, sport, and exercise through practical participation. Physical activity, health impacts and barriers will be examined while they will also be creating personalised plans. Students will also learn biophysical principles for analysing movement, applying biomechanical and skill acquisition principles to enhance performance. Training principles and designing programs based on individual assessments will also be focused as well.
High Performance  Basketball (Mens)
High Performance Basketball (Mens)
High Performance Basketball (Light Blue/Dark Blue) focuses on the development of experienced basketballers who have already mastered the basic skills and want to develop their game sense, fitness and basketball IQ. This subject is also integrated with the Science curriculum. The majority of classes will be made up of on court sessions that allows students to sharpen and refine their skills while teaching them about extended basketball tactics and strategy, for example, how to set and read screens, how to properly space the floor and how to effectively communicate with teammates to run set plays and defences. The Light/Dark Blue experience also requires students to participate in basketball-fitness based gym session classes as well as theory classes that examine, via analysis, the mechanics of tactics and strategies employed by different teams at the representative level and above. Students will be required to set, track and reflect on their own SMART goals throughout the semester and are able to select this subject over multiple semesters, adding another layer to their continued improvement and enriching their experience alongside co-curricular or external representative and elite basketball pathways.
High Performance Netball
High Performance Netball
High Performance Netball (females only) focuses on the development of experienced netballers who have mastered the foundational skills and want to develop their game sense. Students at this stage will fully implement the topics of focus from the previous white/yellow course. As well as the theory classes, this High Performance subject also embeds the strength and conditioning program. Students in this subject will continue to add another layer to their improvement and enrich their experience alongside co-curricular or external representative and elite netball pathways.
High Performance Australian rules (MENS)
High Performance Australian Rules (Mens)
High Performance Australian Rules (Light Blue/Dark Blue) is designed for students who have mastered the basic skills of Australian Rules football and are ready to elevate their game sense and football IQ. This subject focuses on developing advanced techniques, strategic thinking, and situational awareness essential for high-level competition. Students will engage in comprehensive analysis of game tactics and decision-making processes. The course will also cover advanced topics such as elite-level training programs, strength and conditioning and performance analysis. Leadership development continues with a focus on mentorship, teamwork, and effective communication both on and off the field.
High Performance Australian rules (MENS)
High Performance Australian Rules (Mens)
High Performance Australian Rules (White/Yellow) aims to promote deep learning within the sport. Students will be introduced to the physical social and emotional requirements to be a high performing Australian Rules athlete. Topics of focus include leadership, training, skill acquisition, coaching and game day strategy. Students will also investigate social and cultural issues that relate to the sport. High Performance Australian Rules involves a combination of practical and theory classes and will be taught across a semester.
High Performance Basketball (Mens)
High Performance Basketball (Mens)
High Performance Basketball (White/Yellow) focuses on the development of basketball skills for students who do not necessarily have a deep experience in basketball. This subject is also integrated with the Science curriculum. The majority of classes will be on-court skills sessions that allow students to practice and improve their basic basketball skills like dribbling, passing, shooting and defending in order to equip them with the skills necessary to perform at a high level in community basketball. Classes will present the opportunity for students to practice with each other to refine their skills in both pressured, live gameplay scenarios and in mass practice under the expertise of a basketball coach. Students will also be required to participate in strength and conditioning sessions and theory sessions throughout each term to grow their sense of the game and of themselves on a personal fitness level. Students will set their own basketball based goals each semester and are able to select this subject over multiple semesters, creating a rich and dynamic basketball experience that provides successful learning experiences each class and a measurable improvement over the student's time in High Performance Basketball classes throughout MyMAP.
High Performance Netball
High Performance Netball
High Performance Netball (females only) empowers students to develop their skills in an environment where they will analyse and refine their performances. High performance Netball is heavily based on practical components and will focus on the development of individual and team performance. Topics of focus include leadership, training, skill acquisition, coaching and game day strategy.
High Performance  Football (Soccer)
High Performance Football (Soccer)
High Performance Football (soccer) aims to promote deep learning within the sport. Students will develop a greater understanding of the physical, social and emotional requirements to be a high performing athlete. This is an authentic curriculum as developed through the college's partnerships. Topics of focus include leadership, training, recovery, nutrition, skill acquisition, coaching, biomechanics and sports psychology. Students will also investigate social and cultural issues that relate to the sport and will involve a combination of practical and theory classes and can be accessed in all semesters of the myMAP program
High Performance Cricket (men)
High Performance Cricket (menS)
High Performance Cricket aims to provide students with an in-depth experience required to improve their ability in cricket. Students will understand how to evaluate and improve their skill performance and understanding of the game. The principles of training, skill acquisition and analysis will be developed in a theoretical and practical context. As a multistage subject students can take part in High Performance Cricket at their individual level and seek improvement across the duration of the course. Students will also complete an Introduction to Cricket Coaching course through the My Cricket platform.
High Performance basketball (Women)
High Performance Basketball (Women)
High Performance Basketball (females only) empowers students to develop their skills in an environment where they will analyse and refine their performances. High performance Basketball is heavily based on practical components and will focus on the development of individual and team performance. Students will set goals and map out pathways to ensure they experience success and gain a deeper understanding of all aspects of being an athlete.The rich and dynamic nature of this subject means students can choose to undertake this unit over multiple semesters, completing assessment tasks of progressing difficulty to challenge their ability.
High Performance Australian Rules (Women)
High Performance Australian Rules  (Women)
High Performance Australian Rules Football (females only) aims to promote deep learning within the sport. Students will develop a greater understanding of the physical social and emotional requirements to be a high performing Australian Rules athlete. Topics of focus include leadership, training, skill acquisition, coaching and game day strategy. Students will also investigate social and cultural issues that relate to the sport. High Performance Australian Rules involves a combination of practical and theory classes and can be accessed in all semesters of the myMAP program
Science of Sport
Science of Sport
On completion of this unit the student should be able to collect and analyse information from, and participate in, a variety of physical activities to develop and refine movement skills from a coaching perspective, through the application of biomechanical principles. It is expected that students will participate in practical classes to reinforce theoretical concepts. Students will observe kinematics and kinetics and apply mathematical models during experimental investigations of motion.
Sport Psychology
Sport Psychology
Sport Psychology offers students the opportunity to build an understanding of psychology and human behaviour through a sport-focused lens. The subject focuses on how students can utilise mental strategies to improve their own and other athlete’s sporting performance. These mental strategies will be introduced to the students in the classroom, then practised and developed in practical settings. The key knowledge for this subject includes attention, concentration and focus control; coaching and team building exercises; and anxiety, stress and energy management. Students will develop skills to optimise motivated and focused mindsets to help athletes facing fatigue, pressure and stress.
Training for Performance
Training for Performance
This unit introduces students to the theory and practice of the development of athletic performance. Topics studied include: energy systems, fitness components, fitness testing, training programs, training methods, training principles and recovery. Students discover how to design, implement and evaluate personalised plans for improving fitness and performance.
Physiology of Movement
Physiology of Movement
Physiology of Movement is designed to prepare students for the content and rigours of Unit 1 & Unit 3 PE in VCE. It will have a strong theoretical focus with a 4:2 ratio of theory to practical lessons throughout the cycle. Students will study the anatomical and physiological aspects of the musculoskeletal and cardiorespiratory systems when discussing their role in physical activity, as well as practice and feedback. A variety of sport, exercise and fitness activities will be undertaken to link with the theoretical content being studied at the time.
Lifestyle Fitness
Lifestyle Fitness
This practical unit will appeal to students who wish to pursue fitness for health and wellbeing. Students will engage in activities that promote aerobic capacity, core strength, local muscular endurance, agility, coordination and flexibility. Students will focus explicitly on developing movement skills that enable them to participate in physical activities with competence and confidence. Recreation based activities that are popular within the community will be part of this program.
Striking Sports
Striking Sports
Striking Sports provides students with an experience through a range of various striking sports such as Tennis, Cricket, Baseball and Lacrosse. Students will further develop their sports specific skills across a number of sports and develop an awareness to be able to transfer these skills across a number of sports. Students will develop skills in understanding and implementing tactics and strategies to develop movement solutions. Students will collaborate to plan and deliver practical sessions and develop the skills to provide some basic peer coaching. Students will also reflect on the different training principles and methods associated with the sports.

Ball Sports
This subject will provide students an opportunity to develop their understanding across a range of different ball sports. Students will engage in a variety of sports including Soccer, Touch Rugby, European Handball, Volleyball, Gridiron, and Gaelic Football. Students will reflect on how the different fitness components relate to each sport and as well as establishing a SEPEP program.

Team Sports
Team Sports provides students with practical experience through a range of various team sports. Students develop their skill level and tactical knowledge of various team sports through skill development drills and match simulation. Students are also encouraged to develop their interpersonal skills such as leadership, communication and team work whilst participating in a range of sports. In this subject students will be assessed on their ability to perform skills and show tactical awareness across a range of sports as well as their ability to develop their interpersonal skills.
Health and Human Development
Health and Human Development
This study presents concepts of health, wellbeing and human development from a range of perspectives, including: individual and collective; local, national and global; across time and the lifespan. Students develop health literacy as they connect their learning to their lives, communities and the world. They develop a capacity to respond to health information, advertising and other media messages, enabling them to put strategies into action to promote health and wellbeing in both personal and community contexts.
Global Health Issues
Global Health Issues
This unit is aimed at extending students towards Unit 3 and 4 Health and Human Development. Students explore the difference between low, middle and high income countries and factors that contribute to this such as discrimination, inequality and globalisation. Furthermore, students analyse the Sustainable Development Goals created by the United Nations and look at the interrelationship between the goals and the rationale for which they were created.
Human Development
Human Development
Discover the human lifespan, all the way from fertilisation, prenatal development to parenting styles and early life experiences. You will explore critical periods in life that impact optimal growth and development and investigate health and wellbeing as an intergenerational concept. This unit will prepare you for Unit 2 Health and Human Development.
Australia'S Health
Australia'S Health
This unit investigates the health of Australians including the different dimensions of health and chronic health conditions. Students explore the impact that nutrition and physical activity can have on disease prevention and compare the outcomes and impacts of the prevention is better than cure approach to healthcare in Australia. Students participate in physical activity sessions that are low impact and intensity catering to a diverse range of the community. Students investigate different health promotion strategies and initiatives in Australia in raising awareness and education.
Exploring Personal Health
Exploring Personal Health
This unit explores the five dimensions of health and wellbeing, perceptions of health in the community and the various allied health services available in Australia. Students analyse what influences lifestyle choices and the effect these choices have on our personal health. Students become aware of the negative impacts of tobacco and alcohol use, underconsumption of fruit, vegetables and dairy and overconsumption of fat, salt and sugar. Furthermore, students learn about the female and male reproductive systems and the four stages of the menstrual cycle.
Happy Healthy Humans
Happy Healthy Humans
Students will explore various aspects of health and wellbeing and strategies to overcome varying circumstances during development. Mindfulness, resilience, nutrition and lifestyle choices will be covered in this unit, setting students up for not only in the classroom but in life. In Healthy Happy Humans students will develop skills to evaluate health information and express health concerns.
Outdoor and Environmental Studies
Outdoor and Environmental Studies
VCE Outdoor and Environmental Studies develops students’ understandings of outdoor environments, and the ways in which humans interact with, relate to and have impacted outdoor environments over time. The study enables students to make critically informed comments on outdoor environmental issues, including asking questions about environmental sustainability and human connections to Country, both past and present. Students are able to understand the importance of change to environmental health from human or natural influences. Through participation in outdoor experiences, students learn to respect and value these landscapes and their living cultural history. These practical experiences also give students the opportunity to link content taught in the classroom to personal practical experiences in the outdoors. Students undertaking this study must maintain a logbook of practical activities in each of Units 1–4 for recording, authentication and assessment purposes. The logbook is maintained and cited as a source of primary data, as a requirement for satisfactory completion of each unit.
Outdoor Education
Outdoor Education
This subject aims to increase student’s knowledge and skills within the outdoor and environmental studies subject area. Students learn about the different ways in which humans interaction with the outdoors and how this has changed over time from Indigenous cultures, to present. Students will also focus on climate change and how we are impacting the environment through industrialisation and the overuse of the environment’s resources. Students will also look at why risk is important and utilised in Outdoor Education and ways we can mitigate risk. While this subject involves practical aspects, there is no overnight camp associated, just day excursions.
Outdoor Education
Outdoor Education
This subject explores ways in which individuals and groups can increase their involvement in the outdoors and their understanding of different outdoor environments. Students will develop practical outdoor skills including map reading, knot tying, tent and shelter building and camp cooking skills. Students also look at local sustainability issues, group dynamics and the ways humans are having both positive and negative effects on the natural environment. While this subject involves practical aspects, there is no overnight camp associated, just day excursions.

Duke of Edinburgh
Duke of Edinburgh
The Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award is an extension of the Bronze and Silver. It requires participants to complete five sections: Voluntary Service, Skill, Physical Recreation, Adventurous Journey, and a Residential Project.It is important that students understand that to complete the award they will be required to• have successfully completed the Bronze and Silver Awards• regularly participate in activities outside of school time in order to meet the requirements of Award• attend overnight campsThe minimum starting age for this course is 16More information can be found at:
Duke of Edinburgh
Duke of Edinburgh Silver
The Duke of Edinburgh (Silver) is a full year course. The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award requires participants to complete four sections at each level: Voluntary Service, Skill, Physical Recreation and Adventurous Journey. To earn an Award, each young person must learn a skill, improve their physical wellbeing, volunteer in their community and experience a team adventure in a new environment. These courses must be taken for two semesters. It is important that students understand that to complete the award they will be required to• have successfully completed the Bronze Award• regularly participate in activities in order to meet the time requirements of each Award Section and Level• attend an overnight camp. The minimum starting age for this course is 15.More information can be found at:
Duke of Edinburgh Bronze
Duke of Edinburgh Bronze
The Duke of Edinburgh (Bronze) is a full year course. The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award requires participants to complete four sections at each level: Voluntary Service, Skill, Physical Recreation and Adventurous Journey. To earn an Award, each young person must learn a skill, improve their physical wellbeing, volunteer in their community and experience a team adventure in a new environment. These courses must be taken for two semesters. The bronze course is a prerequisite for the silver course.It is important that students understand that to complete the award they will be required to• regularly participate in activities in order to meet the time requirements of each Award Section and Level• attend an overnight camp.The minimum starting age for this course is 14.More information can be found at:
Students have an option to select High Performance for a semester or for the yearÂ
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