The myMAP subjects below link to VCE subjects related to the learning domain of Science. Students choose the options that are best for them. There are no pre-requisites for entry into their chosen senior pathway, but students are strongly encouraged to select a pathway of myMAP subjects that align with those that they wish to take in VCE including undertaking the relevant dark blue level Pre-VCE Subject' prior to VCE. For example, a student may select one or more of the options that lead to VCE Chemistry (Foundations of Biology and Chemistry, Chemistry, Consumer Chemistry and Pre-VCE Chemistry). The students can select to study these in any order but they are encouraged to select subjects in order of difficulty across the myMAP years (from sandstone, white, yellow, light blue to dark blue). In this instance, it is recommended that if choosing all four options during myMAP, they are studied in the order they are listed above although studying these at the same time would also be suitable.

This subject builds on knowledge from previous Physics subjects and draws on an application of mathematics, and as such students are recommended to have explored physics and mathematics subjects at at least a light blue level alongside, or prior to undertaking Pre-VCE Physics.
Science of Sport is designed to assist students to build knowledge and skills towards a VCE Physical Education pathway and provides a space for interested students to further pursue their passions and interests at the intersection of physical movement and physics through the context of biomechanics. 聽However, students wishing to prepare for a VCE Physics pathway are recommended to undertake this subject alongside or as part of a sequence including Space and Physics, Physics of Space and Motion, and Pre-VCE Physics, and mathematics at a Light and/or Dark Blue level prior to undertaking VCE Physics.

In this subject, students explore the physics used by engineers in designing today鈥檚 roller coasters, ferris wheels, bumper cars and free fall rides. Students explore the energy transfers from potential gravitational to kinetic energy in this contect, and continue to build their knowledge of friction, gravity and motion. Students learn to use Newton鈥檚 Laws of Motion, and understand how the physical and moving world around them is governed by these laws. This subject is designed to build students鈥 understanding of physical sciences in preparation for a VCE Physics pathway, and as such is recommended for those considering VCE Physics in their future.
Physics subjects including Physics of Motion, draw on an application of mathematics and as such students interested in pursuing a physics pathway are strongly encouraged to also focus on building comprehensive mathematical knowledge.

In this course students study astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology, analysing the evidence for the origins of the universe, the life cycle and motion of stars and the formation of elements. This is then linked to atomic structure and its relationship to the electromagnetic spectrum. Students learn about the application of electromagnetic energy in telecommunications, industry and medicine. Exploring natural radioactivity as the decay of nuclei in atoms, students apply their understanding of radioactivity to understanding how medical physics and the generation of nuclear energy could be used as an alternative power source.
Physics subjects including Space and Physics, draw on an application of mathematics and as such students interested in pursuing a physics pathway are strongly encouraged to also focus on building comprehensive mathematical knowledge
and Horticultural Studies

In this VCE preparatory subject, students will build on previous knowledge and skills relating to STEM practices, principles and processes, problem solving to create and evaluate designed solutions and communication in the world of mechatronics. Students will study mechatronics utilising Hummingbird kits and BBC microbit to build further understanding of the interrelationships of mechanics and programming. In this subject, students will also draw on their own scientific inquiry skills to work as independent thinkers and learners, directly preparing students for VCE Systems Engineering.
This subject builds on knowledge from previous STEM subjects and draws on an application of mathematics, physics and ICT knowledge, and as such students are recommended to have explored subjects in these areas alongside or prior to undertaking STEM Mechatronics.

This subject draws on an application of mathematics, physics and ICT knowledge, and as such students are recommended to have explored subjects in these areas alongside or prior to undertaking STEM Electricity and Magnetism.
Designed specifically for students with an interest in the interrelationship of science, technology, engineering and mathematics disciplines. It also covers the interrelationship between these areas, allowing learning to be delivered in an integrated way, helping a deeper engagement in the four disciplines. The course is designed to encourage and develop three branches of Critical and Creative Thinking, in particular: systems thinking, computational thinking and design thinking.
This subject draws on an application of mathematics, physics and ICT knowledge, and as such students are recommended to have explored subjects in these areas alongside or prior to undertaking STEM
Building on the scientific knowledge and skills learned in general science courses, this subject explores the science of the built world in greater detail. This subject will introduce students to the phenomenon of flight in nature and machines in the world of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Students will investigate how humans learn from and copy nature, biomimicry. Through a study of aerodynamics students relate this to biology, aviation and physics, further building foundational scientific and engineering knowledge.聽
This subject draws on an application of mathematics, physics and ICT knowledge, and as such students interested in STEM subjects are recommended to have explored subjects in these areas alongside Foundations of STEM.
Please Note, All Dark Blue myMAP subjects in Science and Humanities support entry into VCE Units 3 and 4 Extended Investigation.